Barbara Wright

Photo courtesy of Doctor Who Image Archive


23, attractive. A history teacher at the same school [as Ian Chesterton--Coal Hill School.] Timid but capable of sudden courage. although there is no question of a developing love story betwen her and Ian, her admiration for him results in undercurrents of antagonism between her and Susan.--format document, Donald Wilson, C. E. Webber, Sydney Newman.

Barbara was originally to be named Lola McGovern, but fortunately this was changed. She became the more accepting and trusting of the first human Companions and often found herself mediating arguments between the strong-minded Doctor and the equally strong-minded (and very skeptical) Ian. That's not to say that she couldn't be strong-minded herself, as in "The Aztecs" when she is determined to use her mistaken identity of the goddess Yetaxa to end the Aztecs' brutal practice of human sacrifice.

Though the programme followed the format document and did not develop a love story between her and Ian, one must believe that their travels together in the TARDIS gave them a special bond that might perhaps have led to marriage. We can but speculate.

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